In Honour and Memory of the Mural Paintings from 30 years ago that once stood around this area…
Between a Life in Factories and Refugee in Nature…
An Urban Myth was pictured!…Has anyone seen the Otter?!
SIMIS + Master OZO
Marinha Grande, 22 de Junho 08, Portugal
Obrigado pelo apoio do meu people! Obrigado Master OZO, sem ti tava desgraçado!
Viva Toda a Malta do Aerosol*
Salvem as Lontras!
You could like the:
Celtics with Bird, McHale and Parish…
Lakers with Magic Johnson, Worthy and Abdul-Jabbar…
Bad Boys with Isiah, Rodman, Lambeer and Dumars…
Jazz with Malone and Stockton…
Patrick Ewing, Clyde Drexler, Dominique Wilkins, Shawn Kemp, Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson among others…
But I LOVE(D) the Bulls with Jordan, Grant, Hodges and specially Scottie Pippenzzz…the nº33…
I’ve choosen the nº34 in homage to Charles Oakley, a power forward and a very physical player that “contributed personally by example to the development and refinement of the Flagrant Foul rules in the NBA”…
And because jersey 33 has already a BiG fan…kiss*